Cloud Services – The Advantages for Small Businesses

Cloud services are redefining the way small businesses operate. In 2015, 37% of small businesses were utilizing cloud services. That statistic is expected to increase up to 80% by 2020. Cloud services are essential to small businesses and startups because they offer numerous advantages that allow them to compete on the same scale as large corporations, all without breaking the bank.

Lower Costs

One of the biggest benefits of cloud services for small business owners is the affordability. They provide significant savings over more traditional methods of data storage. The virtualization of storage increases the availability of physical server hardware. This means businesses can do more with less physical equipment.

As a result, small businesses have less power usage and fewer IT requirements, which results in less maintenance, hardware, upgrade, and support costs. The effects of all of these factors can be seen in one place – a small business owner’s wallet. With less money tied up in IT and data storage, employers can invest more in other areas of their businesses.

small business IT

Better Collaboration

Cloud services make collaboration between various departments or individuals a seamless process. Any employee can access data, and all can work from the same master document or file. It’s a more effective and efficient method of communicating and producing between individuals and teams. Employers can also remotely limit what employees can access.

In addition, cloud storage registers who accesses a file, when they access it, and what changes were made. This allows employers to track an individual’s progress or contributions without directly asking them, which saves a lot of time and produces an honest result.

Small businesses don’t have the luxury of segregating departments and responsibilities. Typically, employees need to wear many different hats, just as small business owners do. Cloud services allow many people to access the same information, allowing the type of efficient workflow necessary for small businesses to compete with their larger rivals.

Mobile Flexibility

Cloud services make it very simple for any employee to access any piece of information or data, regardless of their physical location. This allows many startups and small businesses to take advantage of hiring employees to work remotely or those that can only work certain hours. Since the data is fully transferable regardless of time or location, the work can be just as effective.

Mobile flexibility also benefits business owners in that they are able to access information whenever they need to. If an owner needs to access a proposal while he’s traveling to meet with a client, he can simply pull it from cloud storage on a tablet or smartphone. With fully integrated cloud services, your business can go wherever you need.


In cloud storage’s infancy, many were concerned about the safety of the stored data. Just because cloud services can be accessed from anywhere doesn’t automatically make them any less secure. Cloud companies take care to ensure that data is encrypted and safeguarded from any potential cyber threats.

small business IT NJ

Aside from hackers, cloud services also keep your information safe from computer viruses, employee error, and even natural disasters. If an employee accidentally deletes a file or if hurricane floods destroy your office, you can rest assured knowing your data is in the cloud and kept safe from harm.

Cloud Services in Toms River NJ

Small business owners need to do everything they can to ensure their companies are running as efficiently as possible. Cloud services help store and safeguard data while still keeping the information accessible at the click of a button. This allows employees to effectively collaborate while saving a lot of time and resources, which is great for your bottom line.

Bay Computing and Consulting Services can assist small business owners with the set-up and managing of cloud services. In addition, we can provide necessary data backup or recovery. We understand the significance technology plays in the effective running of any business, large or small. With our dedicated technicians offering 24/7 support, we can guarantee your information is in trusted hands. To see how we can help streamline your small business, reach out to us today!

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