Cloud Storage. Cloud Backups. What’s the Difference?

These two cloud based services sound similar and are a bit alike in some ways. Yet the reality is cloud storage and cloud backups are different, mainly when it comes size. It is kind of like comparing a toddler’s wading pool to an olympic size swimming pool.

While each service is different, they do complement each other. Many cloud providers offer both solutions allowing you to have the benefits of both from a single source.

What is Cloud Storage?

Also known as file sharing, cloud storage is in the simplest terms, the online storage of modest amounts of data. Only files that you manually select are included in this storage. There are two main types of cloud storage.

The first type stores files in the cloud where they can be accessed directly through a host site such as Google Drive. The other type is where the system such as DropBox is integrated with your computer.  This allows you edit files in the cloud right from your desktop.

Very convenient in many ways, cloud storage can facilitate collaborating with coworkers, sharing files or accessing specific data from a computer other than your own. On the down side, cloud storage typically has limited capacity. It does not replace full backups. Should computer data loss occur, you will only be able to recover the limited number of files you selected for cloud storage.

Cloud Storage. Cloud Backups. What’s the Difference?

What Are Cloud Backups?

Cloud backups are the equivalent of brining in the big guns to protect against data loss. They back up large amounts of data to protect against data loss. This is the primary way the service differs from cloud storage. With large data capacities, cloud backup plans are designed to back up most, if not all, of the data on your computer. Many automatically back up everything on your computer except your operating system. Unlike cloud storage, you will not have to select anything.

Cloud backups do offer many of the same features that cloud storage does. You can still access to your data from any device with internet access. Many cloud backup providers even offer free mobile phone apps. This will make emailing attachments to yourself and flash drives obsolete.

Providing complete protection against data loss is the main purpose of cloud backups. If your computer is destroyed, stolen, or otherwise compromised, don’t worry.  With a cloud backup, will be able to recover all your data, not just the limited amount of files you put in cloud storage. Traditionally, cloud backups did not have the ability to share specific files with other people as with cloud storage.

Cloud Storage. Cloud Backups. What’s the Difference?

Why Not Have Both?

Who wouldn’t want the convenience of cloud storage with the protection of cloud backups? If your data is already backed up in the cloud, allowing others to access it shouldn’t be much of a stretch. Many cloud backup providers now offer file sharing with their services. It is set up so others can only see files you invite them to access. This protects your privacy, while allowing you to share selected files with family or coworkers.

Technology is constantly changing and advancing. It can be difficult to keep up with it all. Still have questions? Not sure if the cloud services are right for you? Whether you are looking for home or business storage and backup options, IT Consulting Services from BayCCS are here to help guide you through the process. We’ve been serving the Ocean County New Jersey for over 10 years, offering IT Support, Computer Repair, and Networking Solutions. Contact us today for short term or long term IT Services.

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