COMPUTER REPAIR: 4 Easy Ways To Fix Your Computer

There is nothing more stressful than your computer breaking, or running slowly because it seemingly has a virus. Our computers are the center of our worlds – maybe not as much as our cell phones – but they are definitely a close second when it comes to communication, work and productivity.

When your computer needs to be repaired, it’s no fun for anyone involved. Sometimes, you need to have your computer taken to a professional computer repair service in New Jersey (NJ) in order to get it working like news again.

For more information on how you can get your computer running like new again, call your local NJ computer repair service for more information about what might be making your computer run slowly or incorrectly and how you can prevent that in the future.

In some cases, you can troubleshoot your computer before calling a computer repair service. This does a couple of things – it could possibly fix the issue if it’s something minor, and it will give you more information about your computer’s current problem. You can then relay this information to your computer repair expert before getting your computer fixed.

Check out some of our favorite tips for troubleshooting your broken PC before talking to a professional computer repair service.


Chances are your computer came with a lot of programs already installed – you don’t need all of them. You should keep all the programs you use, and purge the ones you don’t need.

For example, you don’t need three eBook readers. Remove games you no longer play and other extraneous programs. Extra programs are slowing down your computer and taking up space you need. You NJ computer repair service will help you determine what you do and don’t need.


If you’re having a problem with a particular program crashing, check to make sure it doesn’t need to be updated. Updates are found in the online store from which you purchased the software or the ‘Help’ section. Updated software often comes with new features that make the program better.


The internet browser is probably the most used software on your computer. Every time you add an extension to your browser, you’re taking up memory space. For example, you can probably get rid of your search toolbar if you still have one. Browsers now have the capability to search from the address bar. If you like the interface of a particular browser, pick one and uninstall the rest.

Uninstall the extra extensions you don’t use anymore. Your local NJ computer repair service can help you clean up your extensions and get your browser back to running top speed.


If you’re computer starts running slower with a larger amount of tabs open, it’s because you’re using too much memory. Either you need to close some tabs or you need to expand your computer’s memory. This is amplified when you’re visiting websites filled with videos and GIF files.

If this is something you find yourself running into often, you need more memory. Try doubling your system memory whether or not you have a mac of a PC. It’ll pay off in the long run, especially if you’re jumpy place while surfing. Your local NJ computer repair service will assist you in expanding your computer’s memory.

Servicing the Jersey Shore, Bay Computing and Consulting service is a multidisciplinary data recovery service. Contact us for more information on how we can help recover your data.

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