Why Your Business Needs Scalable Wifi Bandwidth

When people think about wifi bandwidth, they often assume that the internet is this infinite resource. This is because most people share their internet connection with only a few other people, and rarely at the same exact time. When it comes to owning a business, there are many people working off the same network simultaneously. Bandwidth is kind of like traffic in this way, the more people on the ‘road’ the more congested it gets, slowing down the bandwidth.

wireless networking

Flexible Wifi Bandwidth

A business must make sure their bandwidth is large enough to support everyone on the network, but this comes with some issues. If you purchase a plan with a massive bandwidth when you don’t actually need it, your business loses money unnecessarily. If you don’t have a large enough bandwidth, your business will be slowed down by a weak internet connection. By choosing a flexible wifi bandwidth plan, you scale things up and down to meet current demands.

Volatile Internet Traffic

Internet traffic constantly fluctuates from day to day, even minute to minute. Traffic goes up during the day due to work being done online and again in the evening with multiple streaming services being utilized. This creates volatile bandwidth demands that your business needs to keep up with. A flexible bandwidth plan makes this a non-issue.

Reduce Costs

As previously mentioned, a flexible wifi bandwidth plan is a great way to reduce costs for your business. Bandwidth isn’t cheap and utilizing a pay-per-use plan creates a situation where you’re never going to overpay. This is essential to staying within your budget and improving your bottom line.

Handle Peak Bandwidth Needs

Very few businesses have completely stable needs for their wifi bandwidth. There may be peak hours of operation or even certain months or seasons of the year that require more data usage. For example, a company that develops software might have peak months leading up to the release of a new program. After the release, things slow down and less bandwidth is required.

There may also be situations where a company is satisfied with their current bandwidth but aren’t preparing for the future properly. Any business could have a new opportunity or demand at any time and it is up to the business owner to keep up. With scalable bandwidth, a business can keep up with whatever new opportunity comes their way.

Special Events

Even if you own one of the few businesses with very stable bandwidth requirements, you can still benefit from flexibility. If there is something like a new product launch or live streaming event in the future, you can rest assured that you will have enough bandwidth for the event to go off without a hitch. Once the event is over, you can easily scale back. Furthermore, sometimes these types of events lead to a giant leap forward with your business, another situation where flexible wifi bandwidth will be beneficial.

IT support company

Getting Started

To cut costs and streamline your business, flexible wifi bandwidth is a great place to start. Bay Computing & Consulting Services has the knowledge and expertise to set up and maintain your business’s network for maximum productivity. We can manage your network, provide consulting services, and do everything possible to fine tune your connection. Founded in 2005, BayCCS is determined to provide customers with the very best service and support. Computer networking is just one of many services designed to improve your business. We do everything we can to help businesses grow and succeed in the digital age. Contact Bay Computing & Consulting Services to get started.


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