Summer Computer Safety Tips

While computer safety isn’t necessarily a seasonal process, summer does bring unique tech challenges that must be addressed. Computer habits change, students prepare for school, and there are more opportunities for hackers to exploit. With the following computer safety tips, you can stay secure all summer long.

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Be Discreet on Social Media

Summertime is when many of us take vacations and weekend trips that we love sharing on social media. But have you ever stopped to think about what thieves could do with your travel plans? When you post “Only one day till vacation!” that notifies the world that you are going to be out of town on a specific date, making you a prime target for a robbery. This summer, do yourself a favor and wait until after vacation to make a post. This is one of the summer safety tips that can benefit you all year long.

Keep Laptops Safe

For those who work remotely, a laptop is a great way to get work done while enjoying the summer weather. However, being on the go with your laptop opens up the possibility of it getting damaged. Make sure that you don’t leave a laptop in a hot car for long periods of time, as the hardware can be negatively impacted. Also, be careful where you bring your laptop. Working remotely on the beach may seem like a nice idea, but one rogue wave or drop into the sand could leave you with a broken computer. If you do damage your laptop, make sure to take it to a professional for repairs.

Set Up Parental Controls

In the digital age, younger and younger students now require computers for school. While parents often remember the typical computer safety tips like installing virus scanners, they may forget to set up parental controls. By setting up parental controls this summer, you can make sure that your child will be using their computer for summer studies and other age appropriate purposes only. You can block time-wasting websites and sites with sensitive content, as well as limit screen time so your child doesn’t spend their summer inside.

Annual Optimizations

Most computer safety tips are about preparing and optimizing your computer for future threats. If you haven’t done any computer maintenance this year, summer is a great time to get started. Do a password reset for all active accounts and choose one that can not be figured out easily. Carry out all suggested updates for your operating system and update all drivers. Also, give your computer a thorough virus scan and update your virus scanner.

Summer is a great time to get rid of any unused or unnecessary computer programs. Outdated software opens up security threats, so programs you don’t use could put you at risk. Once these tasks have been taken care of, do a full backup of your computer in case of an emergency.

Random USBs

This is what many people find to be one of the most surprising computer safety tips. Did you know that hackers will infect a USB flash drive and then leave it in a public place hoping that someone will be curious enough to use it? During the summer, you are going to be outside more often and may come across a random USB flash drive that appears to have lost. Don’t let your curiosity get the best of you and plug it into your computer.

Safety Reminders

If you run a business or have a family, summer is a great time to teach everyone computer safety tips. Take time this summer to remind everyone to stay away from dubious emails and websites. Teach your family or employees the previously mentioned safety tips so that someone else’s mistakes don’t end up spreading across your network.

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Computer Safety Tips from the Professionals

Computer safety tips can only get you so far. Only with professional IT support and consulting can you truly protect yourself. Bay Computing & Consulting Services offers the very best in IT networking, server support, data recovery, PC repair, virus removal, consulting and more. We can even repair your computer from afar with remote support. To keep your computer safe this summer, contact Bay Computing & Consulting Services.

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