Author name: Mike Smolens

Wifi Hotspot Safety – Internet on the Go

A wifi hotspot is simply an area with an accessible wireless network. We’ve all seen them and many of us have probably used them. Most common in airports and coffee shops, internet on the go can be quite handy and keep you connected where ever you are. But beware. Using public wifi comes with cyber

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Cloud Storage. Cloud Backups. What’s the Difference?

These two cloud based services sound similar and are a bit alike in some ways. Yet the reality is cloud storage and cloud backups are different, mainly when it comes size. It is kind of like comparing a toddler’s wading pool to an olympic size swimming pool. While each service is different, they do complement

Cloud Storage. Cloud Backups. What’s the Difference? Read More »

Why is it So Important to Back Up Your Files and Data?

Every day more and more of our lives revolve around our computers. This is true both in business and in our personal lives. It doesn’t matter if its client information or family photos, your files and data are of ultimate importance to you. It can be very time consuming and costly to recover them and

Why is it So Important to Back Up Your Files and Data? Read More »


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