Computer Tips

Summer Computer Safety Tips

While computer safety isn’t necessarily a seasonal process, summer does bring unique tech challenges that must be addressed. Computer habits change, students prepare for school, and there are more opportunities for hackers to exploit. With the following computer safety tips, you can stay secure all summer long. Be Discreet on Social Media Summertime is when […]

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Troubleshooting Wifi: Why Your Office is Running Slow

Today, most businesses rely on the internet to stay afloat. Downtime and slow connection speeds reduce productivity which can cost a business money. Many businesses love the convenience of wireless internet but dread troubleshooting WiFi. When your office’s WiFi slows down, how can you get back up to speed? How WiFi Works Understanding the concept

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How to Protect Your Computer from Viruses During the Holiday

The holidays are fast approaching, and this is the most common time of year for online shoppers to fall victim to computer viruses. Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday have come and gone, the danger is still very real. One study reported that in 2015 and 2014 the biggest days for computer infections occurred

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What’s the Best Laptop for a College Student

Look around a college lecture hall or classroom these days and you’ll see students taking notes with laptops rather than the traditional pen and paper. Laptops have almost become an unspoken requirement for college students. Schools around the country employ various learning management systems (LMS) like Canvas or Blackboard. These are essentially virtual campuses where

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Computer Battery Life – Part I – Short-Term Solutions

The performance of your computer is linked directly to its battery life. Laptops give us the freedom to be mobile, but it’s a temporary freedom. Eventually, you need to return to the outlet and let your computer recharge. With our reliance on computers more prevalent than ever before, maximizing our battery usage is more crucial

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